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Rare Hacking Videos and E-books Free Download

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Title of Content:- 

Hacking For Dummies 3rd. ed. (2010) by Kevin Beaver


Welcome to Hacking For Dummies, 3rd Edition. This book outlines —

in plain English — computer hacker tricks and techniques that you

can use to assess the security of your information systems, find the security

vulnerabilities that matter, and fix the weaknesses before criminal hackers

and malicious users take advantage of them. This hacking is the professional,

aboveboard, and legal type of security testing — which I call ethical hacking

throughout the book.

Computer and network security is a complex subject and an ever-moving

target. You must stay on top of it to ensure that your information is protected

from the bad guys. That’s where the tools and techniques outlined in

this book can help.

You can implement all the security technologies and other best practices possible,

and your information systems might be secure — as far as you know.

However, until you understand how malicious attackers think, apply that

knowledge, and use the right tools to assess your systems from their point of

view, you can’t get a true sense of how secure your information really is.

Ethical hacking — which encompasses formal and methodical penetration

testing, white hat hacking, and vulnerability testing — is necessary to find security

flaws and to help validate that your information systems are truly secure

on an ongoing basis. This book provides you with the knowledge to implement

an ethical hacking program successfully along with countermeasures

that you can put in place to keep external hackers and malicious users out of your business

Hacking Bluetooth enabled mobile phones and beyond – Full Disclosure

author : Adam Laurie Marcel Holtmann Martin Herfurt

Bluetooth Introduction

? History

? Technology Overview

? The BlueSnarf Attack

? The HeloMoto Attack

? The BlueBug Attack

? Bluetooone

? Long-Distance Attacking

The Hacker’s Underground Handbook

Learn What it Takes to Crack Even the Most Secure Systems

By: David Melnichuk

A. Introduction..

B. Programming..

C. Linux...

D. Passwords...

E. Network Hacking.

F. Wireless Hacking....

G. Windows Hacking...

H. Malware.....

I. Web Hacking......

J. Conclusion........

You Are Hacked

Karthik Shyamsunder, Sr. Engineer

Selvamohan Neethiraj, J2EE


Joel Nylund, Director

Ten Secrets to Securing Your

Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise

Edition (J2EE™) Web


WIRELESS HACKING Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts

Lee Barken with

Eric Bermel, John Eder, Matthew Fanady

Michael Mee, Marc Palumbo, Alan Koebrick

Google Hacks 1.6 video tutorial

by : Lee brain

Ethical Hacking & Network Defence

Sam Bowne, Instructor - city college of san francisco

Hacking videos :

Part 1

Siffing Remote Router Traffic via GRE Tunnels (Hi-Res)

How to decrypt SSL encrypted traffic using a man in the middle attack (Auditor)

Buffer Overflows Pt. 3 by IDESpinner

128 Bit WEP Cracking with Injection!

Buffer Overflows Pt. 2 by IDEspinner

Basic NMAP Usage!

Adding Modules to a Slax or Backtrack Live CD from Windows

Part 2

Cracking a 128 bit WEP Key (Auditor)

Breaking WEP in 10 minutes

Crackign a 128 bit Key + entering the cridentials

Exploiting some bugs of tools used in windows

Cracking WPA Networks (Auditor)

Complete Hacking Video Using Metasploit - Meterpreter

DoS attack against Windows FTP Server

How to crack the local windows passwords in the SAM database

Droops Box Simple Pen-test Using Nmap, Nikto, Bugtraq, Nslookup, and other tools!

Aireplay attack - no wireless client required

Exploiting weaknesses of PPTP VPN (Auditor)

Finding Rougue SMB File Shares on Your Network!

Cracking Windows Passwords with BackTrack and The Online Rainbow Tables at Plain-Text

How to sniff around switches using Arpspoof and Ngrep!

A Quick and Dirty Intro to Nessus using the Auditor Boot CD!

Cracking Syskey and the SAM on Windows Using Samdump2 and John!

Fun with Ettercap Filters!

Part 3

Anonym.OS LiveCD w/ build in Tor Onion Routing and Privoxy

Backtrack LiveCD to HD Installation Instruction Video

Basic Tools for Wardriving!

Bluesnarfer attack tool demo

Buffer Overflows pt1

Feauture Addition pt 1

Feauture Addition pt 2

DNS Poison Routing

Install VNC Remotely!

Internet Explorer Remote Command Execution Exploit Client Side Attack (Hi-Res)

Internet Explorer Remote Command Execution Exploit Client Side Attack (lo-Res)

John the Ripper 1.7 Password Cracker Installation Instruction Video

Local Password Cracking Presentation

MAC Bridging with Windows XP and Sniffing!

Mass-De-Authentication Using Void11 (Auditor)

Metasploit Flash Tutorial!

MITM Hijacking

Nmap Video Tut 2 Port Scan Boogaloo!

Sniffing logins and Passwords

Part 4

Sniffing Remote Router Traffic via GRE Tunnels (lo-res)

A Penetration Attack Reconstructed

Telnet Bruteforce

Tunneling Exploits through SSH

Bluesnarfing a Nokia 6310i hand set

Snort Instruction Video - How To Install into Backtrack

WPA Crackign using Aireplay v2.2 Beta 7 (Whax 3.0)

WEP Cracking using Aireplay v2.2 Beta 7 (Whax 3.0)

Start a session and get the interactive commandline access to a remote windows box!

WMF File Code Execution Vulnerability W/ Metasploit!

SSH Dynamic Port Forwading

Sniffing VoIP using Cain!

Use Brutus to crack a box running telnet!

Cain to ARP Poison and sniff passwords!

Using Network Activ to sniff webpages on a Wi-Fi network!


###### CD1 Content ######

### Session 1 ###

# Understand the Purpose of the Course and the Phases of Hacking

# Acquire the Hardware and Software for Your Laboratory

# Build the Windows® 2000/XP Hacker Tool Analysis Laboratory

# Build the Linux Hacker Tool Analysis Laboratory

# Test Your Laboratory and Keep It Secure

### Session 2 ###

# Understand Low-Tech and Computer-Based Reconnaissance

# Use Sam Spade to Gather Information About Target

# Search the Web for Interesting Target Information

### Session 3 ###

# Understand Scanning Techniques

# Search for Modems Using THC-Scan

# Develop a Network Map Using Cheops-ng

# Conduct a Port Scan Using Nmap

# Scan for Vulnerabilities Using Nessus

###### CD2 Content ######

### Session 4 ###

# Analyze Buffer Overflows

# Crack Passwords on Windows® and Linux

# Sniff Data from the Network Using Sniffit

# Use Netcat, the Swiss Army Knife™ of Hacker Tools

### Session 5 ###

# Analyze an Application-Level Trojan Horse Backdoor (VNC)

# Analyze a Traditional RootKit (LRK4)

# Analyze a Kernel-Level RootKit (Kernel Intrusion System)

### Session 6 ###

# Understand File Hiding in Windows®

# Understand File Hiding in UNIX

# Analyze Protocol Tunneling Using Reverse WWW Shell

# Analyze Covert Channels Using Covert_TCP


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